Monday, November 9, 2009

Columnist Opeyemi Parham

Towards a Clear Investment in Our Seventh Generation             

I have to write this from an upbeat place, otherwise the information that needs to be disseminated, so that we have access to the best choice for our own health and the health of our children, would drive me mad.

I suffer from what is called “The Cassandra complex”  Feeling that you are screaming messages of warning and disaster, and no one is listening.

A Sense of Humor makes all the difference in the world.

I am a mom, with adult children.  In my children’s generation, I know of two women in their twenties with brain tumors.  Each is benign.


Benign!  How can ANYTHING happening deep within the miracle that is the complexity of the human brain be benign?

Anyway, that number of two, although anectdotal, is too high for me. 
Back in MY twenties, I didn’t have ANY friends with brain tumors, much less two. I will not go on line and look up facts and figures to document anything that I am about to say.

            I will just SHARE, from my heart, as a feral physician:

I’ve got a very, very bad feeling about the cell phone thing. I shared my concerns back in December of 2008, on my” boundaries” theme on Channeling The Muse.

Now, here are some simple quotes and facts (easily found by me in less than 10 minutes of search time, on the internet) for the skeptics among you.

The quote below appeared at on September 3, 2009:

Ronald B. Herberman, MD, Director Emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute has stated,
“Based on substantial evidence, especially from industry-independent studies that long term exposure to radiofrequency radiation may lead to increased risk for brain tumors, I issued a precautionary advisory last year to faculty and staff of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute.
Since then, my particular concern about exposure of children to radiofrequency has been supported by a report from Dr. Lennart Hardell. Some of my scientific colleagues have expressed skepticism about the reported biological effects, especially DNA0A damage by radiofequency radiation, because of the absence of a demonstrated underlying molecular mechanism.
However, based on the precautionary principle, I believe it is more prudent to take seriously the reports by multiple investigators that radiofrequency can damage DNA and increase the risk for brain tumors, and for industry-independent agencies to provide needed funding for detailed research to ascertain the molecular basis for such effects.”
This is a wake up call. 

Pardon the pun.

This is a “no-brainer”

Pardon the pun, again. 

But I consider this site and my blogging here to be your psychic weather forecast.  Supported with facts when easily attainable, otherwise simple channeled messages.

May I suggest you pay attention, and throw away your blue tooths, invest in wave shields for your cell phones or blue TUBES (google this, on line and DON’T get the two confused!) and stay safe.

We are upping the ante considerably, folks.

Next stop, swine flu. Check out and “Channeling the Muse: Influenza” if you simply can not wait.

Opeyemi Parham, a former practicing physician has been a frequent guest host on Local Bias and produces radio program "Channeling the Muse" on WMCB 107.9 lpfm Greenfield.
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